Why Your Airbnb Needs a Doorknob with Keypad

May 21, 2022 | Airbnb Host Guide

Have you ever sat down to think about how many burglaries happen in the US every year? We thought not. But, every year, 2.5 million burglaries take place. Out of those, over 65% are house intrusions

Before starting a Neighborhood Watch, there are some simple ways to protect your housing. It is the same for your Airbnb rental; creating a safe environment is one of the keys to success. 

So, what is one thing that you can do right now? Install a doorknob with a keypad. It might sound like a simple device, but there are many benefits to you and your guests. Here’s why you should install one today.

SMONET Smart Deadbolt

Give Your Visitors Their Space

We mentioned that safety is essential in your vacation rental in Goodyear, AZ (or wherever else in the world). But, privacy is equally important. Currently, more guests are using the “self-check-in” filter to search properties on Airbnb.

Self-check-in Airbnbs are keyless and are perfect for guests who want less direct interaction. As such, a doorknob with a keypad is one of the top three secure self-check-in options available. Instead of a key, guests gain access with a code.

For a personalized touch, use a code tailored to each guest, such as the last few digits of their mobile number or date of birth.

Multi-Guest Access

It was tricky to offer a key to every guest in the past. So, because there was only one, they probably felt restricted. 

However, if you install a doorknob with a keypad, guests can have more flexibility. Now, they can split up and return whenever they want. So, the teenagers can run to the beach, dad can go shopping, and mum can enjoy a massage.

Then, when they want to gain access, they only need to use the code. Easy.

No More Lost Keys

Did you know that over 20 million people in the US lose their keys? Sometimes it falls out of a pocket, or the person can’t remember where they put it. Well, we were glad to know it’s not just us!

Keys are a hassle for Airbnb hosts. In some cases, we’ve heard of guests losing keys, only to find them a week later in the bottom of their bag. Also, coordinating a key handover with a sleepy traveler is not the easiest. 

But, with a doorknob with a keypad, guests can gain access whenever they arrive. Even if it is 2 am while you’re fast asleep in your bed. Not staying awake for guests is just one of the many host benefits of self-check-in properties.

Remote Door Access

Of course, your guests may indeed forget their passcode. But, you can fix this issue by using personalized passwords or a remote door access app. 

Nowadays, many doorknobs with keypad systems have mobile phone apps. We love them because you can change the password and grant access online.

Remote door access is excellent if your property is far away or you have multiple short-term rentals. In either case, a doorknob with a keypad might be your new best friend. We think they are the best smart locks for Airbnb hosts. 

Upgrade to a Doorknob with a Keypad 

Give your guests their best vacation yet. Airbnb is designed to offer them more flexibility and comfort. So, throw out that dirty key, and instead, install a modern and clean doorknob with a keypad. This allows for automated

Your guests will be happier and safer, giving you the ultimate 5-star reviews on Airbnb. For more fantastic tips and inside information from Airbnb, our Airbnb 101 for more tips and tricks. Now, where did we leave our car keys?


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