Products I Regret Buying for My Airbnb Property: Lessons Learned

Oct 23, 2023 | Airbnb Host Guide

As an Airbnb host, it’s essential to continuously improve your property and provide an outstanding guest experience. However, not every purchase you make for your vacation rental will turn out to be a wise investment. In this blog, I’ll share my personal experience and insights into products I regret buying for my Airbnb property, along with valuable lessons learned along the way.

Cheap Bedding and Linens

Regrettable Purchase: In my pursuit of cost-cutting measures, I once made the regrettable decision to opt for cheap bedding and linens. At first glance, the allure of affordability overshadowed any concerns about quality. Excited about the initial savings, I eagerly purchased a set of low-cost sheets and towels. However, my enthusiasm quickly waned as I witnessed the rapid deterioration of these budget-friendly linens. The signs of wear and tear became evident far sooner than I had anticipated, resulting in the need for frequent replacements.

Lesson Learned: quality matters, especially when it comes to bedding and linens. Recognizing the significance of investing in high-quality, durable materials, I shifted my approach. Opting for superior sheets and towels not only enhanced the comfort and luxury of the sleeping experience for myself and my guests but also proved to be a prudent financial decision in the long run. The longevity of these higher-quality linens meant that I didn’t have to replace them as frequently, ultimately saving me money and sparing me from the hassle of constant re-purchasing. This episode underscored the importance of considering durability and comfort over immediate cost savings, particularly in items that contribute significantly to daily comfort and well-being.

Trendy Decor Pieces

Regrettable Purchase: In the pursuit of creating a visually appealing living space, I once succumbed to the allure of trendy decor pieces. Drawn in by the current fads and styles, I invested in items that were in vogue at the time. These pieces undoubtedly injected an immediate sense of style and modernity into my property, eliciting admiration from guests and enhancing the overall aesthetic. However, the honeymoon phase with these trendy decor choices was short-lived. As swiftly as they had risen to popularity, they fell out of fashion, rendering my property stuck in a time capsule of outdated design. The regrettable consequence was that my once-stylish space now appeared passe, leaving me with the realization that succumbing to fleeting trends in home decor had its drawbacks.

Lesson Learned: The invaluable lesson gleaned from this experience is the importance of opting for decor pieces that transcend the ebb and flow of trends. Investing in timeless and versatile items has proven to be a wise strategy, as they have the resilience to withstand changing fashion currents. Embracing neutral colors and classic designs emerged as a key insight, as these elements possess an enduring quality that appeals to a broader spectrum of tastes. By choosing decor that possesses a timeless charm, I discovered the ability to create an environment that remains stylish and inviting, irrespective of the ever-evolving trends in the world of interior design. This lesson has not only elevated the longevity of my property’s aesthetic appeal but has also fostered an appreciation for enduring design principles that stand the test of time.

Complex Smart Home Systems

Regrettable Purchase: In a bid to embrace the cutting-edge convenience promised by smart home technology, I once made the regrettable decision to install a complex smart home system on my property. This system boasted the ability to seamlessly control lighting, temperature, and security, offering an advanced and interconnected solution for modern living. However, what seemed like a technological utopia quickly turned into a source of frustration for both myself and my guests. The intricate nature of the system proved challenging for visitors to navigate, confusing, and, ultimately, negative reviews. Instead of enhancing the overall experience, the complex smart home setup became a hindrance, leaving me to confront the reality that not all advancements in technology necessarily translate into user-friendly and guest-friendly solutions.

The valuable lesson derived from this experience is the imperative to prioritize simplicity and user-friendliness when incorporating smart home systems. While the allure of sophisticated technology is undeniable, it is crucial to strike a balance by ensuring that the devices are easily accessible and comprehensible for everyone, including guests. Clear and concise instructions play a pivotal role in mitigating potential confusion, allowing users to harness the benefits of smart technology without the accompanying headaches. Alternatively, opting for basic and intuitive systems that align with the understanding of a broad user base can be a wise choice. This lesson underscored the significance of technology seamlessly integrating into the background of the living space, enhancing rather than impeding the overall experience for both residents and guests.

Fragile Glassware and Dishware

Regrettable Purchase: In the pursuit of creating an exquisite dining experience, I once made the regrettable choice of investing in delicate glassware and dishware. Enamored by the aesthetic appeal of these fragile pieces, I envisioned a table set with sophistication and elegance. However, the reality proved starkly different, as these items consistently succumbed to the rigors of daily use. The fragility that initially seemed like a small compromise for aesthetic beauty turned into a significant drawback, with the constant breakages resulting in an unforeseen financial burden of frequent replacements. What was meant to enhance the dining ambiance became a source of frustration, overshadowing any initial joy derived from their delicate charm.

Lesson Learned: This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of practicality in choosing household items. Opting for delicate glassware and dishware may seem appealing on the surface, but the fragility comes with a hidden cost and inconvenience. The lesson learned is to prioritize durability and functionality, especially for items subjected to regular use. Selecting dishwasher-safe alternatives that can withstand the wear and tear of daily life without compromising on aesthetics is key. In doing so, one can enjoy a visually pleasing dining experience without the constant worry of breakages and the financial burden of replacements. This experience reshaped my approach to home purchases, emphasizing the significance of balancing aesthetics with practicality for a more enjoyable and sustainable living experience.

Excessive Decorative Pillows

Regrettable Purchase: In retrospect, one of my regrettable purchases was an abundance of decorative pillows for both the beds and sofas in my home. The initial motivation behind this choice was a desire to infuse a sense of luxury and opulence into the living spaces. I believed that an array of intricately designed pillows would contribute to an inviting and visually appealing ambiance. However, the reality proved to be quite different, as these decorative additions ended up being more of a hassle than a comfort.

Lesson Learned: The lesson learned from this experience is a valuable one: the principle of “less is more” is particularly relevant when it comes to decorative pillows. While a carefully chosen few can enhance the aesthetic appeal of a room, an excessive number tends to overwhelm both the visual and practical aspects of the space. Instead of conveying a sense of luxury, the surplus of pillows became a source of inconvenience for guests. Striking the right balance is key—providing a reasonable number of decorative pillows allows for the desired aesthetic without sacrificing the functionality and comfort of the living space. This experience underscored the importance of thoughtful design choices that prioritize both style and practicality to create a harmonious and inviting home environment.

High-Maintenance Plants

Regrettable Purchase: In retrospect, my decision to adorn my living space with exquisite yet high-maintenance indoor plants turned out to be a regrettable purchase. At first, the lush greenery and vibrant blooms added a touch of natural elegance to my property, creating an inviting atmosphere for guests. However, the allure of these plants quickly faded as their demanding care routine became apparent. These botanical beauties demanded frequent attention, requiring meticulous watering schedules, precise exposure to sunlight, and specialized fertilizers. Despite my best efforts, the delicate balance needed to sustain their vitality often eluded me, resulting in the untimely demise of several plants between guest stays. The constant cycle of purchasing, caring for, and inevitably replacing these high-maintenance plants not only proved to be a drain on my time and resources but also detracted from the overall enjoyment of my living space.

Lesson Learned: The valuable lesson learned from this experience is the importance of choosing low-maintenance indoor plants or opting for realistic artificial plants. In the realm of low-maintenance options, there exists a myriad of plants that can thrive with minimal care, such as snake plants, pothos, or succulents. These resilient green companions not only bring nature indoors but also alleviate the burden of constant attention. Alternatively, for those who prefer the aesthetic of live plants without commitment, realistic artificial plants can provide the desired visual appeal without the need for ongoing care. This experience underscored the significance of aligning one’s botanical choices with their lifestyle, ensuring that the greenery selected complements the living space while remaining sustainable and enjoyable. Whether one’s preference leans towards the vibrancy of live plants or the convenience of artificial alternatives, the key lies in a thoughtful selection that enhances the aesthetic without becoming a high-maintenance headache.

Personalized Artwork

Regrettable Purchase: In retrospect, the decision to adorn my living space with personalized artwork seemed like an excellent way to infuse my personality into my home. I carefully selected pieces that resonated with my unique tastes, reflecting my individuality and creating an environment that felt distinctly mine. However, the unintended consequence of this well-intentioned choice became apparent over time. While the artwork spoke to my personal preferences, it failed to connect with all of my guests, limiting the overall appeal of my property.

Lesson Learned: The crucial lesson derived from this regrettable purchase is the importance of considering broader tastes and preferences when decorating a shared space. Rather than imposing my aesthetic on every corner of my property, I now recognize the value of opting for artwork that possesses universal appeal. By choosing pieces that transcend personal tastes, I can create a more welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for everyone who enters my home. Neutral and nature-inspired art, in particular, has proven to be a versatile and timeless choice, capable of fostering a sense of warmth and comfort without alienating any particular aesthetic sensibility. This experience has taught me that a more thoughtful and inclusive approach to decorating can significantly enhance the overall ambiance of a living space, ensuring that it resonates with a diverse range of individuals.


Mistakes are an inevitable part of being an Airbnb host, but they also provide valuable lessons. While I regretted some of my initial purchases for my Airbnb property, each experience taught me the importance of investing in quality, timeless items that enhance the guest experience. By sharing these lessons, I hope you can avoid similar regrets and make more informed choices when furnishing and decorating your vacation rental. Remember, it’s all part of the learning process as you strive to create the best possible guest experience.


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