Host’s Guide: How to Create Your Digital House Manual

Oct 16, 2023 | Airbnb Host Guide

As an Airbnb host, providing a well-organized and informative digital house manual is a key component of delivering a memorable guest experience. A digital house manual offers guests all the information they need about your property, its amenities, and the local area in a convenient and accessible format. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a comprehensive and user-friendly digital house manual for your guests.

Choose the Right Format

Selecting the appropriate format for your digital house manual is a critical decision when aiming for an efficient and guest-friendly hosting experience. The choice generally boils down to three common options: PDF documents, websites, and dedicated apps.

PDFs are versatile and easy to create, offering a downloadable and printable manual for guests who prefer a hard copy. They can also be shared via email, making them accessible on various devices. On the other hand, websites provide a more interactive and visually engaging platform, often allowing you to incorporate multimedia elements like images, videos, and clickable links. This can enhance the guest’s understanding of your property and local area. Dedicated apps, while requiring more effort to develop, offer a seamless and exclusive experience. They can include features like offline access, push notifications, and real-time updates.

The choice of format should align with your hosting style and cater to the needs and preferences of your guests. For a more personal or boutique approach, a well-designed website might be ideal. However, if you manage multiple properties or prefer automation, a dedicated app could offer the advanced features necessary for a top-notch guest experience.

Cover the Essentials

Begin by covering essential information that guests need to know, including:

  • Check-in and check-out procedures
  • Wi-Fi network name and password
  • Emergency contact information
  • Property rules and guidelines
  • Contact details for the host or property manager

Property Details

Provide comprehensive details about your property, including:

  • Layout and room descriptions
  • Instructions for using appliances and electronics
  • Parking arrangements
  • Heating and cooling instructions
  • Security measures and alarm systems

Local Area Insights

Offer valuable insights about the local area to enhance your guests’ experience. Include:

  • Recommendations for nearby restaurants, cafes, and attractions
  • Directions to grocery stores and pharmacies
  • Public transportation options and schedules
  • Emergency services and healthcare facilities

Amenities Guide

Create a section that details the amenities and features of your property, such as:

  • Use of the kitchen, including appliances and utensils
  • Laundry facilities and instructions
  • Entertainment options like TV, streaming services, and board games
  • Outdoor spaces, if applicable, like patios or pools

Housekeeping and Cleaning

Outline your housekeeping procedures, including:

  • Trash and recycling disposal instructions
  • Cleaning expectations and responsibilities for longer stays
  • Contact information for cleaning services or property management

Clear Formatting

Creating a digital house manual that is both informative and user-friendly is crucial to ensuring a seamless experience for your guests. One of the fundamental aspects of user-friendliness is clear formatting. This means structuring your manual in a way that is easy to navigate and read. Start by incorporating descriptive headings and subheadings that logically organize the content. These headings not only guide your guests but also make it simple for them to locate specific information. Bullet points are another valuable tool for presenting information concisely and clearly. They break down complex instructions or details into easily digestible chunks. Additionally, it’s a good practice to ensure consistent formatting throughout the manual. This uniformity creates a professional and polished appearance, enhancing the manual’s readability.

Another useful feature that can significantly improve the user-friendliness of your digital house manual is a table of contents. This serves as a quick reference guide, allowing guests to jump directly to the section they need without scrolling through the entire document. It’s an invaluable addition, particularly for guests who require immediate information or simply prefer to access content on a need-to-know basis. Ultimately, by paying attention to the clarity of your formatting and including helpful elements like headings, bullet points, and a table of contents, you’ll be well on your way to providing your guests with an easily navigable and user-friendly digital house manual that enhances their overall stay experience.

Visual Aids

Incorporating visual aids into your digital house manual is a powerful strategy to enhance your guests’ understanding of your property and ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay. Visual elements such as photographs, diagrams, or even short videos can serve as invaluable companions to textual instructions. For instance, photographs showing the step-by-step process of operating appliances, like thermostats or washing machines, can eliminate confusion and guesswork. Clear diagrams of your property layout, including key locations like emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and Wi-Fi access points, can provide guests with a quick and efficient reference point.

These visual aids transcend language barriers and learning styles, making them universally accessible and useful. They simplify complex tasks, making guests feel more at ease and confident in navigating your space. Visuals also have the advantage of being engaging, breaking up long blocks of text, and ensuring that critical information doesn’t get lost in a sea of words. By thoughtfully integrating visual aids, you not only enhance the overall quality of your digital house manual but also contribute to a more positive and memorable guest experience.

Translate for Accessibility

Ensuring accessibility for all guests, regardless of their linguistic background, is a mark of a thoughtful and inclusive host. If your property attracts a diverse array of visitors, it’s a valuable practice to translate your digital house manual into multiple languages. This step not only caters to international travelers but also accommodates guests who may not be fluent in the local language. By offering the manual in various languages, you make it more comprehensible and user-friendly, which can significantly enhance the overall guest experience.

The process of translation can be approached in different ways. You can hire professional translators to provide accurate and culturally sensitive translations. Alternatively, you can use online translation tools to create multilingual versions, but be cautious, as automated translations may not always capture nuances or idiomatic expressions accurately. Regardless of the method chosen, translating your manual broadens your property’s appeal and accessibility, demonstrating your commitment to making all guests feel welcome and informed during their stay.

Regular Updates

Consistently maintaining and updating your digital house manual is an essential aspect of ensuring a seamless and positive guest experience. Over time, contact information, local recommendations, property rules, and available amenities can change. To provide your guests with the most accurate and valuable information, it’s crucial to schedule regular reviews of your manual. This can involve checking and updating contact details, such as your own or your property manager’s phone number and email. In case of any issues or emergencies, guests should be able to reach out easily.

Local recommendations are another vital component to revisit. Dining establishments, entertainment options, and local attractions can evolve, so it’s beneficial to keep these suggestions current to align with your area’s latest offerings. Furthermore, property rules and regulations may change due to new policies, safety measures, or guest feedback. Make sure your manual reflects any amendments to these rules to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings. Lastly, amenities and services provided to guests can also be updated as you enhance your property or add new features. By proactively maintaining your digital house manual, you demonstrate a commitment to your guests’ comfort and satisfaction, fostering positive reviews and encouraging repeat bookings.

Test Your Manual

Before sharing your digital house manual with guests, it’s crucial to conduct thorough testing to ensure its quality, clarity, and completeness. The testing process can be approached systematically. Initially, it’s a wise idea to review the manual yourself, scrutinizing it for any errors, inconsistencies, or omissions. Pay close attention to the overall structure and the sequence of information, ensuring that it flows logically and is easy to navigate. Make certain that all essential topics are covered, including house rules, check-in and check-out procedures, emergency contact information, and any unique property features or local recommendations.

An additional step to enhance the manual’s reliability is to involve a third party in the testing process. Enlist a friend, family member, or even a fellow host who hasn’t been involved in the manual’s creation. They can offer fresh perspectives, helping to identify any ambiguities, missing details, or areas where further clarification is necessary. Ultimately, a well-tested digital house manual significantly contributes to a more seamless and stress-free guest experience. It instills confidence in your guests, demonstrating your commitment to their comfort and convenience, and can reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings or issues during their stay.

Share and Communicate

Sharing and effective communication are pivotal elements of ensuring your guests have a seamless and enjoyable experience during their stay. It’s essential to provide guests with access to your digital house manual well in advance of their arrival. This proactive approach allows them to familiarize themselves with your property’s specifics, from house rules to operating appliances, and local recommendations before they even step through the door.

You can share the manual through various channels, such as the Airbnb platform, email, or messaging apps, depending on what suits you and your guests best. Airbnb’s platform often offers a seamless way to upload and share the manual directly with your guests. Email is another excellent option as it ensures they have a copy readily available in their inbox. Additionally, messaging apps like WhatsApp or Airbnb’s own messaging system provide a convenient way for guests to access the manual on their mobile devices.

Encourage guests to refer to the manual during their stay. A gentle reminder upon check-in or in your welcome message can significantly enhance their experience, allowing them to resolve minor queries independently and make the most of your property. Effective sharing and communication set the stage for a smooth and memorable stay, leaving guests with a positive impression and increasing the likelihood of positive reviews and return visits.


Creating a digital house manual is an investment in providing a seamless and enjoyable experience for your Airbnb guests. A well-organized and informative manual not only answers guests’ questions but also enhances their overall satisfaction. By following these steps and regularly updating your manual, you’ll ensure that your guests have all the information they need to make the most of their stay in your property, leading to positive reviews and repeat bookings.


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