Decluttering for Airbnb Success: A Step-by-Step Guide

Nov 1, 2023 | Airbnb Host Guide, Healthy Habits

Renting your home on Airbnb can be a rewarding experience, but to provide a welcoming and comfortable space for your guests, it’s essential to declutter effectively. A clutter-free environment not only enhances the guest experience but also makes your property more visually appealing. In this guide, we’ll explore how to declutter your home for Airbnb and what specific areas to focus on.

Step 1: Set the Stage

Setting the stage is a critical first step in preparing your property for hosting on platforms like Airbnb. To ensure a smooth and successful experience, it’s essential to begin with a well-thought-out plan and timeline. Start by setting a clear date for when you want to start hosting guests, but remember to be realistic and consider the time required for decluttering and property preparation. Rushing through this process can lead to oversights and a less-than-ideal experience for your guests.

A solid plan should include a room-by-room assessment, identifying areas that need decluttering, cleaning, or maintenance. Moreover, budget your time effectively; decluttering can be more time-consuming than expected, so allocate extra hours as a buffer. Your timeline should also account for any renovations or improvements you plan to make, so your property meets the standards expected by guests. By taking the time to set the stage thoughtfully, you’ll lay a solid foundation for a successful and enjoyable hosting experience.

Step 2: Start with a Deep Clean

The decluttering process involves beginning with a deep clean of your property. Decluttering is most effective when it’s complemented by a thorough cleaning routine. The idea here is to create a clean and fresh canvas in each room, making it easier to organize and declutter effectively. This means rolling up your sleeves and cleaning from top to bottom. Start with the windows to let in more natural light and create a brighter, more inviting space. Then, tackle the floors to ensure they’re free of dirt, dust, and any grime that may have accumulated.

Don’t forget about surfaces, as wiping down countertops and other areas will give your rooms a polished and refreshed look. By taking the time to clean your property meticulously, you set the stage for the next step in the decluttering process, which is organizing your space with a clean slate. This not only enhances the overall aesthetics of your property but also contributes to a more pleasant and comfortable environment for you and your guests. With a deep clean as the foundation, you’ll find it easier to tackle the clutter and create a space that’s not only visually appealing but also more functional and organized.

Step 3: Prioritize Key Areas

When decluttering your home for Airbnb, prioritize the following areas:

Living Room:

  • Remove excess furniture or decorative items.
  • Organize and tidy up shelves and entertainment centers.
  • Ensure seating areas are comfortable and inviting.


  • Clear countertops of appliances and clutter.
  • Ensure all cookware and utensils are in good condition and neatly organized.
  • Check that appliances are clean and functional.


  • Remove personal items from closets and drawers.
  • Ensure comfortable bedding and fresh linens are in place.
  • Create a clutter-free and relaxing sleeping environment.


  • Empty bathroom counters and cabinets of personal items.
  • Ensure towels are clean and neatly folded.
  • Stock essential toiletries for guests.

Closets and Storage Spaces:

  • Declutter closets by removing personal items and excess clothing.
  • Make storage spaces available to guests for their belongings.

Step 4: Simplify Decor

Keep your decor simple and neutral to appeal to a broader range of guests. Remove excessive decorations, personal photos, and items that may not suit everyone’s taste. A few well-chosen decorative pieces can enhance the ambiance without overwhelming the space.

Step 5: Remove Personal Items

One of the key aspects of preparing your Airbnb space for guests is creating an environment where they can feel at ease and make themselves at home. To achieve this, it’s essential to remove personal items from the common areas and guest rooms. Personal items like family photos, personal hygiene products, and sentimental belongings should be stowed away discreetly. The goal is to provide your guests with a clean slate, so to speak, where they can project their sense of comfort and belonging. By depersonalizing your space, you help guests feel like they’re in their oasis, free from reminders that they are in someone else’s home. This small yet significant step can go a long way in making your guests feel more comfortable and enhancing their overall experience during their stay. It’s a way of respecting their privacy and ensuring they can truly relax and enjoy their time in your Airbnb.

Step 6: Organize Essentials

Consider adding storage solutions to keep essentials like keys, remote controls, and guest information neatly organized and easily accessible.

Step 7: Update and Repair

Before guests arrive, inspect your property for any maintenance or repair needs. Fix anything that’s broken or in disrepair to ensure a hassle-free stay for your guests.

Step 8: Create a Guest-Friendly Environment

Place amenities such as clean towels, extra blankets, and toiletries where guests can easily find them. Label drawers and cabinets, so guests know where to find essential items.

Step 9: Final Walk-Through

Before your first guests arrive, do a final walk-through of your property to ensure everything is in order and ready for their stay. Pay attention to details like lighting, cleanliness, and overall presentation.

Step 10: Welcome Your Guests

Creating a warm and inviting atmosphere is the final step in ensuring your guests have a memorable and enjoyable stay. One of the most charming and personal ways to welcome your guests is by leaving a handwritten note. This simple gesture expresses your appreciation for their choice and sets a friendly tone from the moment they enter your space. You can use the note to convey your excitement about their arrival, provide contact information should they need assistance, or even share some local insights and recommendations.

Offering a local guide is a thoughtful touch that can make a big difference. Guests often appreciate insider tips on nearby attractions, restaurants, and hidden gems they might not discover otherwise. Lastly, providing clear instructions on how to use appliances and electronics on your property ensures a hassle-free experience. Your guests will feel more at home and relaxed when they know how everything functions. These personal touches demonstrate your commitment to their comfort and can lead to glowing reviews and repeat bookings, ultimately benefiting your Airbnb hosting business.


Decluttering your home for Airbnb is a critical step in creating a positive guest experience. By simplifying decor, removing personal items, organizing essentials, and ensuring a clean and well-maintained space, you’ll create an inviting and comfortable environment that’s sure to impress your guests and lead to positive reviews and repeat bookings.


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